Kevin Reste is a font of knowledge for companies looking to improve their creative initiatives and campaigns. Beginning his career with mocap for the Rock Band video games, Kevin’s natural people skills and technical confidence have helped him secure work for companies including NBC Sports, Sony Music Entertainment, and WWE, as well as giant financial and pharmaceutical corporations.
Chris catches up with fellow THU attendee Kevin, talks about his career so far, and offers some tips on getting ahead in the creative industry and staying on top of technological trends. Kevin also gives some invaluable insights into how AI is affecting the industry for newcomers, established artists, and big tech companies.

0:04:56 Kevin's backstory
0:11:36 Translating his skills into the art world
0:16:22 How he stays on top of technological developments
0:19:45 Kevin's career highlights
0:22:48 The AI panic and what "style" is
0:27:05 How corporations are becoming involved in AI
0:31:56 Disney, dance, and hip-hop samples
0:36:00 Should there be legal barriers to AI tools?
0:38:56 Can you copyright AI creations?
0:43:44 Why skillsets are still necessary
0:50:07 Getting started with AI
0:54:48 AI uses outside the entertainment industry
0:58:55 Taking ownership of work
1:03:56 Netflix's strategy and the end of the rockstar
1:12:10 Where to find out more about Kevin