Free updates are now available for V-Ray 3.x for 3ds Max and V-Ray 3.x for Maya customers.
We talk to Laszlo Ruska and David Ringeisen about this powerful short film.
Legend3D’s VR Director Justin Denton on the charms and challenges of virtual reality.
The natural versus chemical food debate is the subject of Buck's advertisement.
Stanley Brusse takes the stereo cubemap images done for the Guide to VR aand allows us to view them directly into a browser
Justin Denton talks about how Legend 3D started to make VR content in both live action and CG.
Today, we announce the immediate availability of V-Ray 3.1 for Maya.
We've updated the V-Ray license server for all products.
We'll be at FMX 2015 for the 20th anniversary of Europe’s most influential conference for animation, effects, games, and transmedia.