Over the past few years, Gravity Sketch has made its way into the workflows of everyone from individual artists to large corporations, including Ford and HP. This unique software allows designers to intuitively create and perfect their visions in a three-dimensional, virtual space.
Gravity Sketch Co-Founder and CEO Seyi Sosanya talks about how his team used influences from outside computing, such as dance, kitchen design, and London's underground system, to develop the software's accessible-but-minimalist interface. Seyi offers a fascinating insight into what it's like to run a startup company and how users are making use of Gravity Sketch—including lobster-influenced footwear.
Gravity Sketch | 3D design and modelling software >
Gravity Sketch on the App Store >
Gravity Sketch (@gravitysketch) on Instagram >

4:48 Seyi’s background
9:10 Founding Gravity Sketch with Daniela Paredes Fuentes
14:58 New ways of thinking about sketching
19:20 Hollywood computing interfaces vs reality
27:58 Avoiding the Gravity Sketch look
35:48 Presenting the company and attracting investment
47:08 Why the games industry matters
51:18 Finding customers
58:01 Where to find out more