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Sega Megadrive controller and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in dark room© SuperBlimp
Sega Megadrive controller and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in dark room© SuperBlimp

Win prizes and get what you need to speed up your render times with RTX On

This competition is now closed. Many congratulations to the winner, Chris Fendryk (krzysztof.fendryk), who won a V-Ray License and an NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000. Stay tuned for more exciting chances to win amazing prizes!

NVIDIA’s RTX technology has halved SuperBlimp’s V-Ray GPU rendering times. Discover more — and win a V-Ray license and a graphics card in our giveaway.

NVIDIA RTX, in combination with V-Ray GPU, is revolutionizing the way artists and studios render. With V-Ray Next for 3ds Max and V-Ray Next for Maya’s latest updates, it’s possible to make use of all the features of NVIDIA’s RTX graphics cards to render more quickly. But you don’t need to take our word for it. We asked creative production studio SuperBlimp to put the technology through its paces with its retro gaming project, "Playgrounds"  — and it halved their render times.

“With NVIDIA RTX, we can focus on the creative aspects of production,” says SuperBlimp’s Director and CG Artist, Antonio Milo. “With faster speeds in the IPR, we can get a clearer idea of how the final render will look instead of relying on basic viewport previews. We don’t need to create camera projections or matte paintings in order to be able to render a scene. With RTX, we feel like a cinematographer or cameraman on-set, rather than a technician."

Win mega prizes!

To celebrate the dynamic duo of NVIDIA RTX and V-Ray GPU, winner Chris Fendryk received:

  • a V-Ray license for the software of his choice and
  • an NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000

To enter the giveaway, we asked participants to keep an eye on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels. They were asked to answer this simple question with the #VRayGPU and #RTXOn hashtags:

What's the project you can't wait to create in 2020?

Click here for full terms and conditions.

Get the RTX advantage

Try V-Ray Next for 3ds Max or V-Ray Next for Maya free for 30 days

© Škoda Design

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