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Chaos Phoenix 5: Take your simulations to the next level

New version of our fluid dynamics software includes full control over active body simulations, new popular presets, streamlined workflows, and much more.


Chaos Phoenix 5 released.

This new version will take your active body simulations to the next level with tools that give you more control than ever before. Create procedural animations in Phoenix. Restrict movement or rotation along a selected horizontal or vertical axis. And determine whether active bodies should emit, attract, or retain fluids. Plus, much more. 

Discover Chaos Phoenix 5 >

We’ve also created new presets so you can dive right into your sims. Choose from popular ready-to-roll settings including stormy sea, jet engine, ice cubes and speedboat. Plus enhanced fire, beer, and ocean presets for even better-looking results. 

If that’s not enough, we’ve streamlined Phoenix workflows. Now, you can shade fire and smoke simulations, and meshes, in a single simulator, create realistic foam patterns faster, and more. 

Last but not least, with an initial implementation of the Phoenix Standalone Simulator, you can speed up your simulations like never before.

And much more in Chaos Phoenix 5

 If you've already downloaded a trial, you can contact our friendly support team to request an extension. 

© Škoda Design

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