
지난 이벤트

April 3 - 4, 2024Paris, 프랑스
BIM World Paris 2024
Meet the Chaos team and our partner Elmtec at BIM World Paris 2024, the Trade Fair for digital transformation in construction, property, and urban planning.

It comprises two intensive days of exhibitions with world-leading companies (300 exhibitors) and a congress highlighting best practices, trends, and the future (80 conferences and 250 selected speakers - CxO, governments, experts, disruptors).

BIM World is a unifying event for our community and a real platform for innovation and business that supports our industry, the market, and our territories.

Join us at Paris Expo on April 3 and 4 - Elmtec stand E28 for an exciting event focusing on all things BIM. Immerse yourself in the world of visualization and building data, with conferences led by experts. On the program:

  • Enscape demos, for real-time visualization and BIM data management;
  • V-Ray, the industry-leading photorealism;
  • and Vantage, for exploring and presenting unlimited, animated design variations.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Take advantage of our free invitations with code JK96.

Find out more >

November 9, 2023Paris, 프랑스
3D Paris: Chaos Meets Creativity
Join us on Nov. 9 at Atelier 13 Sévigné, Paris, for a deep dive into the world of architecture and design.

Join us for a knowledge-sharing event hosted by Chaos with our local partners Elmtec France and Trimble. We’ll talk about workflows and collaboration, daily challenges with the changing technology landscape and celebrate creativity. We will end with friendly chat and drinks.

Seating is limited, so please save your spot in advance.

The event will be held in French.

Learn more and save your seat >

October 20, 2022Paris, 프랑스
Chaos Day Paris
Join us at our Paris event on Oct 20, 2022 from 16:00 - 20:00 at Cyclone to dive deep into exploring the social and spacial contracts of tomorrow.

Date: October 20, 2022
Location: Cyclone, Paris

Join us at our Paris event on Oct 20, 2022 from 16:00 - 20:00 at Cyclone to dive deep into exploring the social and spacial contracts of tomorrow. 

Our goal is to provide a creative playground for architects, designers, and thought leaders to come together and discuss the challenges architecture is facing in 2022 and beyond.

Register here >>

May 16, 2017Paris, 프랑스
V-Ray Architecture Day Paris
프랑스에서 개최되는 첫 카오스 그룹 행사에 프랑스의 유명 건축설계사 참여

카오스 그룹은 5 월 16 일 프랑스에서 데뷔 V-Ray Day를 개최합니다. 우리는 프랑스 건축설계 분야에서 가장 저명한 분들의 일부를 초대했습니다. Renzo Piano Building Workshop의 Daniel Hutubise는 V-Ray for Revit이 자신의 워크 플로를 어떻게 변화 시켰는지 설명하고 Wilmotte & Associés Architectes의 Cyril Lancelin과 Romain Gauthier가 큰 프로젝트에 대한 접근 방식을 설명 할 것입니다. 그리고 Grasshopper 전문가인 작가 Mamou-Mani는 parametric design과 제작 에 관심이 있는 분이면 반드시 보아야할 프레젠테이션을 준비하고 있습니다. 

프리젠 테이션 사이에 Chaos Group의 전문가 인 Yana Andreeva가 AEC 산업에서의 V-Ray의 힘을 보여줄 것입니다. 보다 자세히 알아보기.

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