
지난 이벤트

October 15 - 20, 2023Turin, 이탈리아
View Conference
Join Chris Nichols and Claudio Meireles at VIEW Conference 2023, an English-speaking event on computer graphics, animation, and visual effects.

The View Conference is happening on 15-20 October at OGR, Corso Castelfidardo. CG Garage podcast host Chris Nichols will be there with an exciting presentation - "My History with Ray Tracing, Or: How I learned to stop waiting and love Vantage." You may also enjoy our community manager Claudio Meireles's presentation "The Heartbeat of Creativity - Empowering Community Collaboration."

VIEW Conference 2023 is an English-speaking event covering computer graphics, animation, and visual effects, and brings top professionals from those fields to the beautiful baroque city of Torino, Italy, for a week of talks, presentations, and workshops.

Find out more and register >


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